В День Андрея поздравляю,
Света, радости желаю!
Пусть удача, словно крест,
Бережёт тебя от бед.

Будет дом — полная чаша,
А судьба — добра и краше.
Деньги, счастье и успех —
Пусть звучат, как громкий смех!

Живи с верой и любовью,
Наполняй свой мир добром.
Пусть святой Андрей сегодня
Хранит дом твой день за днём!

В День святого Андрея спешу поздравлять,
Добра и удачи тебе пожелать!
Пусть в сердце живёт и надежда, и свет,
И жизнь твоя будет без горя и бед.

Пусть сбудутся планы, мечты и стремленья,
В делах — вдохновенье, в душе — просветленье!
Как звёзды на небе пускай горят дни,
Счастливой и радостной будет судьбы путь твой весь!

This Christmas Eve, let blessings fall,
Peace and love to one and all.
May joy surround you, warm and true,
And light the way in all you do.

Merry Christmas, bright and clear,
Wishing you a wondrous year.

Santa’s on his merry way,
Bringing joy this Christmas Day.
With gifts and treats and bells that chime,
It’s a truly magical time!

May your stockings overflow,
And your happiness grow and grow.
Merry Christmas, full of fun,
A time of love for everyone!

On this holy Christmas night,
The world is bathed in gentle light.
A star once shone to guide the way,
To where the Christ child lay.

May peace and love fill your heart,
And from His grace, may joy impart.
Merry Christmas to you, my dear,
A blessed season, full of cheer.

Christmas is a time of joy,
A time for every girl and boy.
A time for love, a time for cheer,
The most wonderful time of year!

May your home be warm and bright,
With love and laughter every night.
Merry Christmas to you and yours,
May blessings come through open doors!

Merry Christmas, full of cheer,
Joy and laughter, love sincere.
May your heart be filled with light,
On this blessed, holy night!

To the queen of our home, so kind and sweet,
Your love makes our family complete.
Today we honor you, dear Mom,
With joyful hearts and a heartfelt song.

Happy Mother’s Day, with hugs we say,
We love you more than words convey.
May your day be filled with cheer,
You’re the best mom, year after year!

You’re a chef, a friend, a hero too,
There’s nothing, Mom, that you can’t do!
Today’s your day, so take a rest,
We promise to treat you like the best!

Happy Mother’s Day, with hugs and cheer,
We’re so glad you’re our mom this year (and every year!)

Mom, you’re the heart that beats so strong,
You’ve been our guide our whole lives long.
With every hug, with every smile,
You’ve made our lives so worthwhile.

So on this day, we celebrate,
Your love, your strength — you’re truly great.
Happy Mother’s Day, we love you so,
More than you’ll ever, ever know!

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